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Moon Walker

Moon Walker

Hand shaped boards from the legendary Las Olas catalog.  Las Olas shut down some years back, BUT I have all their templates and got some shaping lessons from founder, James Mitchell.  The Moon Walker is one of the most stylish and beatiuflly functional long boards around.  With a pronoucned nose concave the classic outline in the nose comes to a nice, wide "moon tail".   Shaped from a 'reverse rocker" blank means a very low nose rocker and very flipped or acclerated tail rocker.  Translation:  the board encourages the rider to move around A LOT, walking from nose to tail taking advantage of the nose concave for classic nose rides, and stepping back to the tail for deep carves and cutbacks at critical points in the wave.  Hand made at the Judah Dune shop.  Las Olas logos and resin panels required.  

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